Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

Our Complaints Policy

Our clients come first. When something goes wrong we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to maintain the highest standards.

Kindly note that there will be no legal repercussions or detriment to our client or the case if the client makes a complaint and we will handle each complaint keeping into consideration the principles of confidentiality.  For any further information or clarification in this regard, please feel free to contact us.

Our Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint, please write to the firm’s Director, Mr Muzzammil Mukhtar by emailing, or by post to 125 The Grove, Stratford, London E15 1EN, or by calling on 0203 745 6551.

What Will Happen Next

  1. We will send you a letter acknowledging your complaint and asking you to confirm or explain any details. If it seems appropriate, we will suggest a meeting at this stage.
  2. We will then record your complaint in our central register and open a file for your complaint. We will also investigate your complaint by examining the file of your instructions.
  3. If appropriate, we will then invite you to meet Mr Mukhtar to discuss your complaint. We would hope to be in a position to meet with you in this way no longer than 14 days after first receiving your complaint. If you would prefer not to meet, or if we cannot arrange this within an agreeable timescale, we will write fully to you setting out our views on the situation and any redress.
  4. Within 2 days of any meeting, we will write to you to confirm what took place and any suggestions that we have agreed with you.
  5. At this stage, if you are still not satisfied you can write to us again. We will then arrange to review of our decision. We would generally aim to do this within 10 days. This will happen in one of the following ways:
    • Mr Mukhtar will review his own decision.
    • Another Solicitor of the firm who has not been involved in your complaint will review it.
    • Invite you to independent mediation.
  6. We will let you know the result of the review within 5 days of the end of the review. This will be in writing and will confirm our final position on your complaint and explain our reasons.
  7. If you are still not satisfied, you can contact the Legal Ombudsman about your complaint. We very much hope that this will not be necessary.
    • Visit:
    • Call: 0300 555 0333
    • For minicom text phone: 18002 0300 555 0333
    • By email to; or
    • In writing to Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ.
    • Do not send original documents to the Legal Ombudsman. They will scan any documents you send them to make computer copies and then destroy the originals.
    • Normally, you will need to bring a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman within six months of receiving a final written response from us about your complaint or within one year of the act or omission about which you are complaining occurring or within one year of you realising there was a concern.
  1. In certain circumstances you could also refer the matter to the Solicitors Regulation Authority. This could be for matters like misconduct, losing your money or treating you unfairly etc., because of your age, a disability or other characteristics. You can contact Solicitors Regulation Authority using the following contact details.



Phone Number: 0370 606 2555



The Solicitors Regulation Authority
The Cube
Wharfside Street
B1 1RN